⭐ Starboard Documentation

An engaging and customizable platform for highlighting memorable messages.
The docs are still work in progress!
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The starboard serves as a channel for showcasing standout messages from your community. Members can "upvote" messages by reacting with a ⭐. Once a message gets a specified number of ⭐ reactions (for example, 3), it is automatically reposted in the #starboard channel. This creates a central hub for humorous, out-of-context, and memorable messages, creating eternal engagement within your community.

starboard example


  1. Install Wamellow on your server by going to wamellow.com/add .
  2. Head to the dashboard by going to wamellow.com/dashboard .
  3. Select your server from the dashboard.
  4. Navigate to the Starboard menu.
  5. Enable the Starboard module by clicking the enable button.
  6. Select a channel for messages to be posted into.
  7. 🎉 Done! Try it out by reacting to any message with the selected emote.

🤖 Allow bots & webhooks

Choose whether messages from bots or webhooks can be displayed on the starboard.

🔞 Allow NSFW

Specify whether wamellow should include messages from NSFW-marked channels in the starboard.

🖊️ Allow message edits

If allowed, messages that are edited will also be updated in the starboard.

Note: To prevent abusing the starboard, it's recommended to leave this option disabled.

🧑‍🦰 Allow author reaction

Whether the message author can star their own messages. When disallowed, the author's reaction will automatically be removed.

📝 Display message reference

Choose whether the replied message should be visible within the starboard or not. starboard message reference

🗑️ Delete message from starboard upon losing reactions

If a message in the starboard looses the required reactions, it gets deleted from the starboard. Messages will reappear once they gain enough reactions again.

🔢 Number of reactions required

Adjust the number of reactions needed with the chosen emote to send a message to the starboard channel.

⭐ Custom emoji

Select a custom emote required for reacting. This can be any default Discord emote or a custom emote from your server.

😍 Profile display style

Chose what should be displayed of the message author.
  • Username (@mwlica)
  • Global Nickname (yll)
  • Guild Nickname (Luna)
  • Guild Nickname & Per-Guild Avatar (Luna)
  • Anonymous (removes the username & avatar)

⭐ Custom color

Select any RGB color for the message embed.

🤚 Blacklist roles

Specify roles that are restricted from starring other people's messages and prevent their own messages from appearing on the starboard.

🤚 Blacklist channels

Designate specific channels where message starring will be ignored.

Frequently Asked Questions about Wamellow

Commonly asked questions about Wamellow and how to use it.

  1. Be sure to have the Manage Server permission on the server you want invite Wamellow into.
  2. Open Discord's add-app flow at wamellow.com/invite.
  3. Select a server and click on "Continue".
  4. Do not uncheck any permissions and click on "Authorize".
  5. Done! 🎉 You should now find yourself on the Dashboard for your server!