๐Ÿ‘‹ Greetings Documentation

Create a warm and inviting atmosphere for new members in your community!
The docs are still work in progress!
Wamellow requries permission:
View ChannelSend MessagesEmbed LinksAttach Files
Wamellow boasts a feature-rich greeter. This functionality enables the bot to automatically send a welcoming message in a designated channel whenever a new member joins, fostering a warm and inviting community atmosphere.

welcome example


  1. Add Wamellow to your server by going to wamellow.com/add .
  2. Head to the dashboard by going to wamellow.com/dashboard .
  3. Select your server from the dashboard.
  4. Navigate to the Greetings tab and then go to Welcome.
  5. Enable the Welcome module by clicking the enable button.
  6. Set a channel to send greetings into.

โœ๏ธ Custom message & embed

You can create a welcoming message with a fully customizable message and embed for free, making it easy to convey your server's culture and values to your new members.

๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ Image card

Please provide a direct link to the image, not a link to a website containing the image.

You can create a nice welcome image by customizing the background for free. welcome image Custom background image must be 1024x256px (width, height) and type of .png.
Please note that cdn.discordapp.com no longer works due to attachment authentication , you can upload images to postimg.cc and copy the direct image url.

Example custom backgrounds:

๐Ÿงจ Auto delete

Automatically delete the welcome message after a certain amount of time. Set to 0 seconds to not delete.

๐Ÿ“ Pings

Ghost ping members in up to 5 channels when they join, the ghost pings will be instantly deleted.

๐Ÿ‘€ Roles

Assign up to 5 roles to new members.

โ™ป๏ธ Restore roles & nick after rejoin

You can re-assign all roles and past nickname when a member left and rejoins your server.

๐Ÿ’ฌ Direct Message

If you want to send a direct message to your new members, Wamellow also allows you to do so with a fully custom message and/or embed.

๐ŸŽ‰ Reactions

If you want, you can also make Wamellow react with up to 2 emojis to your custom welcome message or to your members's first message. Note: The emojis must be from the same server.

๐Ÿ‘‹ Click to say hi

Bring Discord's "Wave to say hi!" feature to Wamellow's custom messages, just with a random greet instead of a random sticker!

wave to say hi! example
Supported customizations are:
  • Button color (grey, blurple, green, red)
  • Button emoji (must be from same server)
  • Toggle ping


Placeholders allow you to use variables that change from message to message, for example to display information about the joining user or your server. They are always enclosed in curly braces, such as {user.username}.
user.mention@mwlicaUser mention
user.id821472922140803112User id
user.tag@mwlicaUser tag
user.avatarhttps://cdn.discordapp.com/...Avatar URL
guild.nameSomeone'sServer name
guild.id828676951023550495Server id
guild.avatarhttps://cdn.discordapp.com/...Icon URL
guild.rules#some-channelRules channel
guild.memberCount848Member count
inviter.mention@mwlicaUser mention
inviter.id821472922140803112User id
inviter.tag@mwlicaUser tag
inviter.avatarhttps://cdn.discordapp.com/...Avatar URL
inviter.codeyYd6YKHQZHInvite code
inviter.count259Count of invited users

Frequently Asked Questions about Wamellow

Commonly asked questions about Wamellow and how to use it.

  1. Be sure to have the Manage Server permission on the server you want invite Wamellow into.
  2. Open Discord's add-app flow at wamellow.com/invite.
  3. Select a server and click on "Continue".
  4. Do not uncheck any permissions and click on "Authorize".
  5. Done! ๐ŸŽ‰ You should now find yourself on the Dashboard for your server!